Thursday, June 7, 2007

Update - June 6, 2007

Troy had a spinal tap performed yesterday morning. There were no Leukemia cells found, which means that there was no sign of the disease in his spine or brain. He also had his first dose of chemotherapy yesterday afternoon. He is still in a lot of pain but he has been a trooper.

He loves his room at the hospital. It is filled with balloons and he has his bed and the table next to him full of cars. He holds on to two of his favorites at all times; right now it is Lightning McQueen and Sally. While Troy was in another room, Chris asked him if he wanted to go home. He said, "No, I want to go back to my room." Troy was also able to go on a couple wagon rides yesterday through the hospital and even outside. The hospital accommodations have been great and the nurses have done a wonderful job of trying to keep the whole family comfortable. Abby and Wyatt were able to visit Troy yesterday and Troy was happy to see his crazy sister and his little brother that is almost as big as him. He did have to keep telling them to be quiet so that he could hear the movie Cars though.


Mike & Stephanie Wright said...

I am so glad that the spinal tap results were good. He had been in my prayers and thoughts all day and night. Holly is Heather doing ok. I can't even imagine the worry that she has. Make sure that you give her a big hug from me. Love, Stephanie

Maren said...

I just saw Troy in the backyard with Chris. I am so glad they are home now! There no place like home.

Auburn said...

If this is Holly updating this blog, hopefully you can pass messages onto Heather... I am so sorry to hear about what you are going through. You guys are in my prayers for sure. Auburn

See it Try it Love it said...

My goodness. I just heard and am in shock. I am praying for him. If there is anything I can do please let me know. Meals, babysitting etc. my email is