Sunday, December 9, 2007

Weekend over!!!

Well we seem to have almost made it through this weekend without any fevers or issues. (Knock on wood.) I took Abby to the Polar Express and she had a blast while Chris stayed home with the boys. I was super sad that Troy could not come with us but hey there is always next year. Troy will go to the clinic tomorrow to check his counts and I am so curious to see what they are. I am hoping he will not be severely neutropenic, at least. If he is still neutropenic that’s ok as long as his numbers are improving. He is just bouncing off the walls still running around like crazy. I would think when his counts are low he should fatigued or tired but that is not the case at all. (Knock on wood again). Although, I still have a ton of Christmas things to get done, I truly think what does it matter. Chris and I realize what does mean the most to us and that is all that matters.

1 comment:

Maren said...

i need to go check this place out! i want to win....especially that wine colection! : )