Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Homeward Bound

Well Troy had another clinic visit yesterday and we found out he is severely neutropenic. That means his ANC # is below 500 and he is very susceptible to bacteria. If he were to get sick he doesn’t have much of what your body needs to fight it off. We are washing our hands like mad and I have decided not to take him anywhere till his numbers are back up. The doctors told me last week that he was probably on his way to being neutropenic so I didn’t take him anywhere last week either. We have played Candy Land, made Christmas ornaments, looked at Christmas lights and played cars. Any other suggestions for stay at home fun would be great. Really, it is not bad and I am grateful that we have gone this long without him being neutropenic. The only real bummer is that we had a couple of fun events this weekend that we will not be able to do. We had tickets for the whole family to go on the Polar Express train ride this weekend and Troy was suppose to ride on the London’s Run float at the Queen Creek Christmas parade. I am just heartsick about him missing both events but Chris and I decided it is just not worth it. If Troy was to spike a fever up north we would have no hospital near by and that would just be stressful. I would love to have him ride on the London’s Run float but with all those people around that is also just too big of a worry. So home we will stay until his numbers come back up. They think that could take a few weeks so I am a hand washing Nazi. I know we have been so lucky thus far to have Troy do so well with all his chemo. We recognize our blessings daily and thank everyone for your support.


Kenyon said...

I will brainstorm for ideas....does he get stir crazy? You could make trains out of gingerbread and decorate, than make tickets to ride your pretend polar express, its not the same but might be fun. Than maybe watch the movie. I'll keep thinking.

Bennett Family said...

i came across your blog through a friend of a friend of a friend. our son (now 7) had open heart surgery a few years ago and we were quarantied for quite awhile as well. NO FUN! we did a TON of projects and watched lots of fun movies together. good luck! your son and family will be in my prayers.