Sunday, September 23, 2007


Well we made it back from vacation and boy did we have a blast. We are so lucky that we had no issues or problems with Troy since he had chemo 2 days before we left. The beach was certainly the highlight for Troy. Abby and Troy could stay all day and night if we let them. Most of the time they would just run from the waves and it made me tired just watching them run. The weather was perfect and everything went just great. We know that was a small miracle to not have any problems.

Troy did have an allergic reaction to one of the chemo drugs a week before we left. He got hives all over his body the day after he had a PEG Asparaginase shot in both legs. The drug that is substituted for that is not approved yet so at this time he will not have that chemo drug anymore. This was the first snag we have run into since this started so I can’t complain. I asked the doctor what that will do are far as his progress goes. He said we don’t know what the effects are when you don’t receive the shots but we do know that when the PEG shot is given in the high doses that Troy was receiving it is very effective. Kind of a bummer but what can you do? He only has one more of those shots on his protocol so that is ok. He goes this Thursday for some more chemo and then we start the intense phase which will last 2 months. By Thanksgiving or Christmas we should be in maintenance which will be heaven. I can’t wait.


The Tyler's said...

I'm so glad you guys had fun in Cali. and that everything went well with Troy!! We had so much fun the other night at PapaRazzini's! Thanks for the invite.
See you on Thurs.!!

Maren said...

so thats why i havent seen my neighbors in awhile! how fun!! glad you guys were finally able to go and enjoy yourselves. you definately deserve it.

Keri said...

Sounds like you guys had a blast! I love seeing pics of your cutie pies!