Sunday, January 4, 2009

Andrea's Closet

In the very beginning when Troy was diagnosed with leukemia Andrea's Closet was something I had never heard of before. After his IV was put in at the hospital he was able to go into a room full of brand new toys and pick any one he wanted. Then came his first bone marrow aspiration and again he was able to pick out of the closet. This repetition continued with each new procedure and soon Troy looked forward to (in a way) getting poked because he knew he could pick a toy from the closet. Andrea’s Closet has made a HUGE impact on Troy and how he deals with getting poked all the time. He knows that if he gets a “beep”, as we call it, in his chest he gets to pick out of the closet. The moment he gets to pick out of the closet he forgets about the pain of the poke. I love, love, love Andrea’s Closet. On their website they say, “A toy is only a small gift, but it can go a long way to help a sick child get through a painful medical procedure. That's why Andrea's Closet was created. When children face frightening medical treatments, such as procedures to treat cancer, burns or other life threatening illnesses, Andrea's Closet brings them comfort and distraction from their pain by allowing them to choose a special gift from a toy-filled closet.” If anyone has 6 minutes to watch a video about Andrea’s Closet here is it. They say it so much better than I could.

So, this year for Christmas our two families decided to buy a whole bunch of toys for Andrea's Closet. This was such a great way for our family to help out and seeing the pile of toys grow was truly humbling. We continue to be blessed with the most amazing family we could ask for. Thanks to everyone for the toys and for thinking of this idea to help out other sick children.

1 comment:

The Tyler's said...

We were so glad to be a part of it! Especially since Sadie got to benefeit from Andrea's closet herself. Thanks for putting this all together!